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Ways to Make

Mount St. Helens National Monument

Mount St. Helens National Monument



Due to the worldwide pandemic, please check for destination travel restrictions prior to visiting/booking

Visit the Visitor Center and watch the movie

Start your visit at the Visitor Center to talk with the rangrs about the trails and definitely see the movie. Spoiler Alert! After a great movie illustrating the eruption and devastation of Mt. St. Helens the curtain lifts revealing floor to ceiling windows with a great view of the volcano.

Hummocks Trail

2.4 mile loop

This trail hikes along what has been mapped by scientists as the former the summit of Mount St. Helens. We particularly enjoyed the changing scenery from wetlands to forest to rocky outcropping. The beautiful foxglove and other wildflowers were in full bloom.

Summit Mt. St. Helens

Reviewing the trail and talking with the rangers, a summit hike would have been attainable by our family after the hiking we had done at Mt. Rainier.  We did not leave ourselves time for that, but if your family wants a summit like that, be sure to look into it.

Hike the Johnston Ridge Eruption Trail Loop

This loop tours you around the outside of the visitor center and back down to the parking lot for more views of Mt. St. Helens.

Birth of a Lake Trail

This one probably isn't a must do but we stopped at the picnic area in the parking lot for lunch.  This is a flat paved that takes you along Coldwater Lake.  There are also restrooms at this parking lot.

Plant Based Recipes

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Inspirational Quotes

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