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Veggie Spaghetti (Pasta Night)

15 minutes

4 Servings


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We hide several servings of vegetables in this meal. We eat this meal weekly and have been experimenting with different noodle types. Right now we really like edamame spaghetti, but we have tried red lentil pasta, chick pea pasta, veggie spiral pasta, whole wheat pasta, the list goes on...


  • 1 package of vegetable noodles of choice 

  • 1 zucchini, chopped or sliced

  • 1 yellow squash, chopped or sliced

  • 1 jar of pasta sauce (we like Rao's Homemade Marinara sauce)

  • Italian seasoning to taste (we like Penzey's Italian Seasoning)

  • Nutritional Yeast


  1. Boil pasta according to directions

  2. Saute zucchini and squash in a sauce pan with italian seasoning

  3. Top the cooked pasta with the vegetables, pasta sauce, and then nutritional yeast to taste


On occasion we add the plant based meat alternatives like Italian tempeh or Boca Veggie Crumbles.

More pictures  - recipes don't always turn out like the pinterest pictures. These are some less "staged" more "real" photos from our recipes and meal prep.

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